Pisces Weekly Horoscope – Free Pisces Horoscope for the Week From the AstroTwins

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WEEK OF April 24 – 3 0, 2023

No more excuses, Pisces! This Thursday, April 27 the quarter moon in Leo brings its harmonizing vibes your sixth house of efficiency. If you’ve been stalling on spring cleaning, here’s your moment to wipe down surfaces, take a haul of clothes to the consignment and thrift shops for some cash (or a tax write-off) and if you have outdoor space, get it going before gardening season hits. Much as you hate to part with a sentimental object, a week from now you might be raving about how much “lighter” you feel without stuff spilling out of every cupboard, drawer and closet door. Throw open the windows and let the breeze blow through. The earthy energy of the sixth house lures you out into the fresh air. If you have a sunny indoor spot in your home, plant some veggie starts that you can transfer to a bed or window box later this season. Homegrown summer salads await!

Does your inbox runneth over? If you need to catch up on administrative work duties or polish up your presentation materials, don’t put it off a minute longer. A few dedicated hours this week can help you restore that leading edge you once had. Dress a little more professionally, even if no one’s requiring that of you. Tweak your LinkedIn profile and confirm all appointments and meetings, just because. The office VIPs (or potential dream clients) WILL take note.

Plus, focusing on your own cleanup missions will keep you from getting sucked into other people’s messy life situations. And that’s an exceptionally good thing right now, considering that Mercury’s in its first full week of retrograde—backing up through Taurus and your communication house, no less. Your well-intended advice could inadvertently kneecap someone who wasn’t ready for quite THAT much honest feedback. As much as you hate to watch people suffer in silence, you might as well be lighting a match in a gasoline-doused room if you force them to talk before they’re ready.


To avoid emotional conflagrations, put the focus on your own unprocessed thoughts. When you simply need to vent, choose your audience wisely. An appropriate listener might be a therapist or a “non-reactive” friend who has the patience to play sounding board but won’t start hammering you with unsolicited advice. As you get it all off your chest, don’t be surprised if the muse sounds the call for creative catharsis. Countless works have been produced from this very fugue state. Grab your chosen tools and pour your heart into your art.

See All Signs

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Credit : Source Post

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